Tartu University/kalev W

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This page contains information about the basketball team Tartu University/kalev W . You can find out the result of the last match Tartu University/kalev W 71:90 Ttt Riga Kadetes W, and also see who Tartu University/kalev W will play the next match.

In addition, the Live-Result in the online format offers you to follow basketball matches with the participation of the team Tartu University/kalev W, also available are live halftime results, standings, and team news Tartu University/kalev W. Your attention is given to the statistics of players, team statistics and the forecast for matches with the participation of Tartu University/kalev W, reliable bets and high odds.

Follow the results of the team Tartu University/kalev W in various basketball leagues and cups. Watch the most important matches with the participation of Tartu University/kalev W. Schedule of upcoming matches with the participation of the team Tartu University/kalev W also available on this page dedicated to the club. < /p>

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